
Some Like it Hot, Some like it Not

I might sound totes UN-'Strayan and will probably be crucified by my 10 precious followers, but I personally have never been a huge fan of the Logies. It sort of reminds me of a bad 80s prom or a terrible broadcast of the Daytime emmies. If you are going to do a 'TV night of nights' then you should take inspiration from the Globes, where it is all singing all dancing with crazy ass 3D animation and actual A-list guests - TV execs, are you taking notes?

I was forced to watch it last night due to nothing else on telly (why is it when there is a crappy awards show on we are also punished with even worser TV viewing??) PLUS I had accidentally returned The New Moon (much to Lee's disgust). Alas, it is with this blessing in disguise that I came across a few, dare I say noice frocks. And then I also came across Brynne Gordon (my eyes are still bleeding from the horror).


Lee Furlong, the other royalty of Sutherland Shire - love your dress and very surprised you actually pulled this off. You looked unfussy, chic (gee i hate that word) and well put together, the Stillier Crystal clutch finished the dress perfectly. But then again, with a man bag like Kris Smith on the other arm, EVEN I can look half attractive - and that ain't easy.

Tara Moss, Queen of Crime - The lady is a 90's vamp! Look at her arse in the Alex Perry frock, I reckon I could hook me up with a toy boy too if I had a booty like that! And I am very pleased that the snake lovin', bike ridin' writer kept the look dark and mysterious with berry stained lips to compliment her vampy style, adding some pre-requisite bling with a hard to find Black Deepa Gurnani Crystal Clutch (available from Love Me & Leave Me).

Sigrid Thornton -Holy crap, since when did a 50+ lady get legs like that? No saggy knees, AWESOME definition in muscle tone, and SMOKIN' in a sheer lace number. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. to the Autumn Goldie Oldies! Momma i wanna look like that when i grow up!


Brynne 'Flash' Gordon - I think this crazy American has literally taken 'any publicity is good publicity' to heart. Yes i know she is super excited to have ANYTHING written about her - marrying a geriatric pensioner, check. Looking like trailer trash at red carpet (and her big, fat jewish wedding) events, check. Flash her bodacious lady bits, check.

And then she came up with this gem (plus killing the designer on the way. Hang on, if you came up with this monstrosity to start with, then you probably shouldn't be a designer, Tev, Tav, F?&* what's your name again?).

I am not to sure what the etiquette is for dressing in the US of A, but looking like a slut bride x crazy ballerina x stripper on crack is last time i checked, is unacceptable, even to Logies standards. But then again she probably can't read or write (girls like that just don't need to) and completely miss that memo. Or the girl simply does not own a mirror.

Enough clever, witty words wasted on that car crash. She will probably print this out and stick it in her Brynne Gordon scrap book and give a copy to 'Mommy' for mothers day.

Peace and Love,

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