
Good Morning Australia!

It was absolutely refreshing after the air kisses and the pretentiousness (there will be a massive blog essay on this later) that is RAFW to meet the wonderfully delicious and elegant (in an Alex Perry tux and YSL tributes) Melissa Hoyer, during the filming of The Morning Show.

The never before seen Winter Kate by Nicole Richie AW2010 collection (available for pre-order from Miijo.com) was the guest star for the 'Fashion Exclusive' segment with the adorable Mr Larry Emdur and stunning Kylie Gillies.

Platform Models supplied a bevvie of fresh daisies (there was an Uma Thurman, mini Sasha Pivovarova and a Whitney Port doppelgänger in the mix) who would have done Ms Richie proud with their professional and sweet demeanour.

Check out the clip below.


Ms Hoyer, hats off to your wonderful commentary and the friendly banter with Larry!


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