
you are my sunshine...

I wish I was my friend Maya, her dad named his honey after her.

I never blog about food because food is not important to me. HOWEVER there is a slight obsession / sicko relationship between me and a jar of dang good honey. There is something so indulgent about pulling a slab of honeycomb straight from a bee hive a la Bear Grylls (I've only ever experienced this once, but I did not pull that particular piece of honeycomb) and have it dribble down your hand while you hungrily licking it off before it gets stuck on all your clothes.

So, instead of getting all Man vs Wild, a few disfiguring bee stings and/or death, my friends super cute dad has been a busy bee (no pun i swear) and has bottled these little sticky bits of delightful sunshine into jars so everyone can have some fresh honey straight from these working bee's hives.

From nest to jar, Maya's Sunny Honey is just 100% honey - no sugar, no preservatives and best eaten with your fingers straight from the jar!!!


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