
My baby don’t care for (op shop) clothes

Let’s be honest, most op shops are totally shite. Spending an afternoon ferreting around exploding racks of ill-fitting eighties gear in the hope you will find a gem and then further hoping that someone will ask you where you found said gem to which you can smugly reply “oh just in this little op shop I found” is just not worth the effort (and that weird op shop smell) in my opinion.

Except for this one.

Petite Fripe is located in the grungy, ‘fuck off if you’re a tourist’ part of Paris called Oberkampf. Grinning from ear to ear the moment I stepped through the red doors I was stunned by the well-balanced selection of clothes, accessories and general cool shit. Normally I would say the ratio of op shop gem versus gagging awful is about 1 in 100 but in Petite Fripe you will find it more around 1 in 10. The owner, a Spanish native has an eye for the interesting and it shows. Pieces are not just second hand, they are one offs and in fabulous condition.

The selection of boots and bags is outstanding and he hasn’t overloaded on a particular decade giving the store a nice balance of 60s, 70s and 80s. And it’s organised. Well set out, you won’t waste time and it boasts a very cool corner of jumpsuits or ‘combi’, which are all very Maria-Elena of Vicky, Christina Barcelona and better still just 20EUR. Lordy, pricing like that is rare in this city.

Whether an op shop fiend or not check this out while in Paris. Find a gem, take it home and get your best smug face on because I guarantee you will be asked the question, and when you do, you can respond “oh just in this little op shop I found… in Paris”. Noice.

Petite Fripe: 118 rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris phone: 0149234092

Bisou xx

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