
I see you

Yes yes, i am carrying on about True Blood again. I am up to the last book of the Sookie Stackhouse series and i just HAD to watch the premier episode of Season 3 (had NO idea how hard it was to download anything on my laptop).

Well was the effort worth it. Askars' butt was in my face 20 minutes in and oh my, wasn't it just a fine piece of sculpted marble (as it was described in the books).

Bossie is one lucky lady to have THAT to come home to every night.




Season 3 of True blood will premier this Sunday in the US.

Great scripts and acting skills aside, here is just a little reminder why I am completely and utterly obsessed with the series.

Oh yes, my jugular is yours for the taking Mr Skarsgard.




We are never sick of Bambi the Brows here at bespoke, in fact i can stare at that pretty face all day long (in a completely platonic, non-sexual way of course).

And here she is again (the pretty lady on your right), smokin' in Sara Phillips and those Stillier banana heels for Pages Online.

Say no more.


PS: Cuz - SUPER job on the hair for this entire shoot. Riiiiiiiiidic.

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