
Say hi to Raleigh kids, Lee's new toy.
Yes, Raleigh does come with brakes and gears making it a treat going up mountains and rolling down hills.

lesson learnt x

We've decided to become environmentally friendly at the bespoke office, adding two of the prettiest bicycle to our family. Mine of course is way prettier than Lee's but those who know me also know that I am rather dysfunctional which ironically, so is the bike.

It was love at first click, along with symptoms like blood rushing to my head and heart palpitations when I first saw 'Cherry' (named by the lovely couple in Orange who restored her from scratch). My old friends logic and reason were nowhere to be found and before I knew it, my fingers did the negotiating and then it was all mine. As the heart beat recedes, and the blood from my face drained post purchase, the description was finally read – the bike has no gears and back peddle brakes.

Who needs gears and what the F$#&* is a back peddle brake???

Fits of laughter from the father said it all. He said between his hysteria, ‘how were you planning to go up hills and how were you planning to stop going down?’ I don’t know, I didn’t think it was relevant, I replied. ‘Why didn’t you read the item description?’ Um, because it was just sooooooooooooooo pretty? DUH!!! I am going to prove you wrong I said. I reckon it ‘s going to be fine with no brakes and piece of cake going up hills.

It was like Christmas morning when I woke up today. The bike came at 11am and I ripped all packaging off it then took it for a test ride. Had the biggest grin from ear to ear as I cruised along the back lanes of Beaconsfield, wind in my hair and sun on my back. Until I promptly crashed in to a bush 2 minute later going down a hill and my reflex told me to brake with my hands.

So there you have it, ladies and gents, back peddle brakes = death, and like they always say, one should always listen to their father.

Peace & Love, Yan xo


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